Come to the party - AGM 2024

We would like to invite you to the party that our AGM (Annual General Meeting) will be on Tuesday 10th September from 5pm at the Edgar Wood School Rooms on Long street in Middleton.
The doors will open at 5pm.
We would like to invite you to the party that our AGM (Annual General Meeting) will be on Tuesday 10th September from 5pm at the Edgar Wood School Rooms on Long street in Middleton.
The doors will open at 5pm.
We’d love to invite you to the Middleton Co-operating Launch Party!
It's time for us to officially launch the movement & celebrate our achievements so far.
We're excited and delighted to say that Lankelly Chase, a major national grant-funder, have granted us £100,000 to support our work in Middleton.
Most of this money will go towards employing our first person - a "Development Lead" - who will work alongside our management committee over the next 18 months or so to build on the foundations we have put in place, and help us start to deliver the changes we want to see.
We're hoping they will be in place by the spring/early summer.
The “community wealth building” movement has grown out of a recognition that, in many places, rather than staying and circulating in local economies, money and wealth are extracted and tend to be concentrated in wealthier locations elsewhere. Added to this, over recent decades, attempts at regeneration or economic development have struggled to deliver in a sustained way across communities – partly because of this wealth extraction, but also because the idea of “trickle-down” or “trickle across” hasn’t worked well in practice.
We try to teach young children to be kind to each other and to share things; but when they're older, they're often told that the world’s not like that and they’ll have to be careful and look out for themselves - that it’s competitive out there, everyone for themselves.
But we know it needn’t be like that, and that it’s better to work with others to solve problems.