Internet is a vital utility & having the right skills, confidence as well gadgets to be online safely is really important - for fun and entertainment as well as to access to essential support and services that we need to stay well.
Middleton Digital Sparks - or MidiDigi - is here offer support with all things digital as well as inspire and offer a space to learn and play.
We're working with Paul Woodhead of No Worries IT and the sessions run in the Lighthouse Project.
The project runs from the end of November 2023 until October 2024.
We hope that MidiDigi will:
- build people’s confidence and competence in using their digital devices;
- foster a creative interactive learning environment that will engage and excite people about enhancing their digital skills, and putting them to good practical use;
- act as the catalyst for a vibrant digital community in Middleton.
As part of this project, we run sessions that encourage people to be confident in exploring the digital world in innovative ways. This learning environment will support people to develop digital/web/data literacy along with invaluable problem-solving and project management skills.
We will use freely available resources, share knowledge and information that will build confidence in navigating the digital landscape and support fokls to manage their own digital skills development.
Our project builds on the support already available, the Lighthouse Project offers a great range of support & sessions. Have a look here for more details and also at the timetable to see what's on when.
We will run the sessions in shorter blocks so that we can shift time to respond to what people ask for - see below for the most up to date poster with dates & timings of the upcoming sessions.
Feel free to download the poster and please share it far & wide.
Do get in touch with any questions via